Creative Producer, Director, Stage Manager

Reap the Grove: Director

A play in one act by Caity-Shea Violette, Reap the Grove was staged as a part of the Advanced Directing program at Otterbein University in the fall of 2017.  

"An estranged family is reunited to spend the mother's final days together before she ends her life on her own terms following a terminal diagnosis. Beyond returning to their toxic childhood home, both sisters are in personal moments of transformation, one passionately committed to saving the planet even if she can't save her marriage, the other has only recently found success in substance use treatment and arrives six months pregnant. Reap The Grove is a poignant and darkly funny exploration of partnership, transgenerational trauma, and the anticipated grief of death with dignity."

-Caity-Shea Violette, New Play Exchange

"Emily directed this powerful material beautifully, staging it with potency and clarity in a particularly tricky thrust space. The performances were layered and authentic, and every detail of production served to reveal character and meaning. I sat in on a number of rehearsals and was truly impressed by Emily’s creativity, poise, resourcefulness, efficient use of time, and her remarkable ability to inspire and LISTEN to every single member of her team."

-Lenny Leibowitz, Faculty Advisor